

10 years in the making


“When we started GFEST in 2007, it was a different time, stories were told in a slightly different way. Today we are telling stories with advantage of social media and technologies. We have stepped forward in winning legal battles and recognition. But the battle continues for gaining full and equal social acceptance. It is about who we are and who we love.


We are still telling these diverse LGBTQI ‘protest’ stories in many new ways. The narratives have moved on but what has been constant is people are excited by these stories which stretch imaginations and help shape the creative lives of future generations” says GFEST artistic director Niranjan Kamatkar.


Join us at the Arthouse to see an extraordinary line up of LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) short films from Canada, Sweden, Spain & USA. Also included are a number of UK films such as Dusk, Smalltown Boy, Shadow Plant, Ballroom Boys and Finding Home.


The festival is across 3 evenings (22nd, 23rd & 24th November) some films with Q&A’s so get your seats booked HERE!