

10 years in the making

Àma Gloria

Programme Type: Film|Length: 84 mins| Cert:

Six-year-old Cléo (an exceptional performance by six-year-old Louise Mauroy-Panzani) loves her nanny Gloria (Ilça Moreno Zego) more than anything. When Gloria suddenly has to return home to Cape Verde to look after her own children, Cléo makes her promise that they will see each other again very soon. Gloria invites Cléo to visit her and so the two have to make the most of their last summer together. Cléo finds Gloria’s young son César resents her being close to his mother, but this spirited, brave little girl with a megawatt smile is determined to fit in, whatever it takes. Consequently she begins to learn about growing up and becoming more independent.

“A charming, heartfelt film” – Allan Hunter, ScreenDaily

France, 2023

French and Portuguese languages with English subtitles


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From Friday 14 June